Little Rascals – End of Year Show

The teeniest members of Jaykays Dance Company took to the stage last month for the first time with their production of “It’s a Kind of Magic.” Our 4 pre-school dance classes were each given a magical creature and performed on stage as unicorns, wizards, trolls and fairies. Fifty pre-schoolers aged 2-4 entertained an audience of family and friends with courage and confidence.

Over the years people have commented with remarks such as; “what can 3 year olds do?” and “I bet that age group don’t do much?” But I beg to differ.


In our 45-minute dance classes, our Little Rascals achieve so much. They work through basic dance positions, balancing skills, travelling steps, movement to music and creative and expressive dance. They are developing coordination, rhythm and musicality, flexibility, agility and strength.
Our pre-school dance classes aren’t just about physical dance tuition. Our Little Rascals are developing literacy and numeracy skills when they learn new words or count to 10. Our half-termly themes such as “In the Jungle” and “Travel & Transport” bring up discussion topics such as habitats and geography. It gives us so much joy to hear one of our Little Rascals contribute confidently in class with knowledge that they are keen to share.


Our Little Rascals learn to wait for their turn, to share with others and listen and follow instructions. They are given the opportunity to sing and speak, to answer questions Independently or as a group. Through our creative and fun dance classes, we aim to inspire the next generation of tiny dancers whilst increasing confidence in a nurturing and caring environment. We help to boost self esteem with positive praise from our enthusiastic and friendly teaching team.

Even after 16 years of teaching preschool dance, I still get incredible satisfaction watching the happiness & pride of a little pre-schooler who finally learns to skip, because great things really do come from small beginnings.



Jaykays Dance Company is a Leamington Spa based dance school offering classes in IDTA Ballet, Tap, Modern Jazz, Freestyle, Musical Theatre and Acrobatics.

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